Monday, December 31, 2012

Our bungalow is our home.

....and so we have arrived - in our adorable, cozy, comfortable bungalow.  We are very happy and feel so blessed to be here.  The actual move was fast and orderly.  We had lots of help and we had a lot done and set up before the final moving day.
We fed everyone well - subways and donuts at noon time and five large assorted topping pizzas at 4:00.  By 5:00 our home quieted down as folks left - we made our bed and organized and took a much needed rest.  Saturday while the powerful snow storm raged on we unpacked and put our stuff out and hung pictures and wall decor - those precious items that are "us". Oh we are SO here! :-)

Sunday was another day of unpacking and getting rid of trash and empty boxes as well as shoveling out the ten inches of snow that arrived with us!  Today, a few finishing touches and it is all done. Friends have been so kind by bringing over meals all prepared.

And tonight, since  my guy returns to work after 10+ days off :-(   my Sis and I are going to spend New Years Eve together -   some appetizers and wine, left over lasagna and we have a big can  of flavored popcorn to munch while we watch a movie together.  Sisters - our Mom is SO happy we are close - and right next door to one another.
 And our bungalow that was our Mom's place that she and my Dad paid for with  their hard earned money is such a gift to us - my Mom used to say that Dad was still taking care of her when she had this place built since she used the money from the sale of their home they paid for and lived in together.  It truly is all so bittersweet.  And like I have said - the financial freedom is such a gift to us.
Here are some pictures - welcome to our home - our bungalow of  love and blessings -  and Happy New Year to you all :-)

 Living room
 Living room windows etc
Another view of LR
 Corner of LR
 Kitchen area
 another kitchen view
 entrance to master suite
 another view of kitchen table
 our bedroom
 more of bedroom
more of BR
 our bed and that is the picture of Chatfield Hollow  over it where we gather greens every year for the graves -
 my lovely vanity area - the paint is sand paint and has gold sparkles
 bathroom vanity
shower area

view from our door

so, what do you think?  We have arrived - hallelujah!


Amanda said...

What a lovely home that you've set up! It looks quite cozy and personal! I'm glad you are still receiving such blessings from your parents - what a wonderful feeling to take with you :0)

Happy New Year to you Gail!

With love,

Gail said...

HI AMANDA thanks love, and happy new year to you
Love Gail

Scott said...

Congrats on the successful move--and avoiding the snowstorm during the transfer! The place looks like "home" already! Kali and I have lived in the same place for 23 years and it doesn't look this "homey." Truly, this will be a great New Year, Gail!

Gail said...

HI SCOTT - thanks for sharing in our new beginning. We lived in our other place for 21 years - and we pretty much brought as much as we could with us here so it had the same look and feel - we are pleased with the result :-)
Happy New Year to you and Kali
Love Gail

Wanda..... said...

Your home looks very warm and inviting, Gail. You've done a lovely job of creating a space that reflects your own thoughtful and caring personality!
Happy New Year to you and yours!

Wondering Soul said...

WoW Gail! It's gorgeous!! I absolutely love it and it looks like a little piece of paradise (looking at the pics of the outside!!)
Bless you Gail.
I am thinking of you and hoping you have a great new year. Enjoy the time with you sister

Much love


Judy said...

Congratulations and happy new year!

Jane said...

So glad to see that you're all settled in. Your new home is really lovely :) Beautifully decorated and a great colour scheme - the same one I have I might add, lol!

A Happy New Year to you and your family and many blessings in 2013!

Cindy said...

So glad you are all moved in, it looks great, can't believe what you have accomplished by getting everything set up. Your New Years Eve sounds awesome with your sister. I am so glad you have started this new chapter of your life. love you, Happy New Year Gail, many great things ahead, I can feel it. hugs.

Gail said...

@WANDA - so glad you came by and your kind words mean so much to me. We truly are all settled in.

@WONDERINGSOUL - ello love and "thank you". It is good to see you out and about and to have you share in this adventure with me is such a gift.

@JUDY- goad you came by and took part in this adventure. I hope your world is calming down and that you will soon be sharing your poetic gifts with us.

@JANE - great colors indeed - and I am very happy you came b and shared in this amazing part of my journey

@CINNER - hello love "hey" - so happy you came by and shared in this time in my life. My Sis and I had a great night -

Love to you all and Happy New Year

Unknown said...

looks very "homey", ie comfortable. Glad you made it and things are settling in.

Gail said...

thanks for stopping by and seeing our bungalow
Love you man

Finding Pam said...

Gail, your home is lovely and very charming. I am glad that you have settled in so quickly. I hope you have many good memories in your new home.

Happy New Year.

Peace and love,

Gail said...

HI PAM - thank you so much for sharing in our adventure and new beginning. Your kind words mean a lot to me.
Love Gail

Jackie said... looks beautiful.
I couldn't be happier for you, my friend. What blessings you are surrounded with. Happy New Year to you!!!

Muffie said...

Such a cozy little retreat! Wishing you all the best in your new home, in your new year!

Gail said...

@JACKIE - and a Happy New Year to you and yours. So glad you came for a visit to our new bungalow-home!

@MUFFIE - so good to see you here. Thank you for your well wishes and kind words

Love to you both

Grizz………… said...


Your new digs are simply charming! The rooms are obviously cozy and comfortable, with lots of personality. You've done a lovely decorating job—and I don't think anyone could tell you've just moved in because the whole place looks like exactly what you've already made it…a home.

You've found the perfect place for your future. I couldn't be happier for you. What a way to start the new year. You are so very blessed!

Gail said...

HI BRIZZ - so happy you stopped by. And that you like our "bungalow-home". And yes, we are so truly blessed.
Love Gail

Rose Marie Raccioppi said...

So pleased to see the delight of your new home. The warmth and welcoming are felt. All the blessings of time and love are sent on to you.

Happy 2013 to you and yours dearest Gail.

Gail said...

ROSEMARIE - so glad you visited - having you here means alot to me - your presence ever loving and kind. Yes!
Love Gail

Andy said...

It looks really lovely, Gail.

I'm sure you will be very happy there.

Teresa said...

How wonderful for you. Your place is beautiful and it looks so cozy.
It looks like you are off to an amazing start to the new year. Blessings and Happy New Year to you and your family.

Gail said...

@ANDY - so good to have you visit :-)

@TERESA - cozy it is :-) and looks lime we are both starting off 2013 with many blessings

Love to you both

Diana said...

I think it looks very comfy and cozy Gail and beautiful! I'm sure that your mom is happy to make your life less stressful.
As parents that's all we ever really want. Love Di ♥

Gail said...

HI DI - so good to have you stop by - I have missed you. So glad u like our lil cozy homey bungalow. All so bittersweet.
Love to you

Unknown said...

First of all, the view from the front door is work all the hard work and effort that went into this move! Wow! It's beautiful! And your home is so cozy, like you said! I'd love to see more photos of your forest filled with snow, if you get a chance!

Gail said...

Hi Katherine and thanks for stopping our bungalow. The snow is all melted now - phew. ANd it is really very cozy here. Still so bittersweet but a blessing for sure.
Love to you

Just Be Real said...

Gail, I love your bungalow abode. So when can I come to visit? Hee hee. Blessings.

Gail said...

HI JBR -GRACE - so nice to have you stop by our bungalow - and you can visit for real whenever you get to Connecticut!
Love Gail