When I as a year old and in my hi-chair awaiting my meal my Mom said I would "fly" in the chair and sing with excitement, arms fluttering, legs kicking, smiling and making the best sounds. She told me that one day nuns had come by with prayer cards and a 'visit' and saw me all a flutter in my hi-chair. She said they were amazed at my exuberance. I loved to eat.
That exuberance, and excitement, flutter and flying have been part of my relationship with food all my life until I got dentures. Now, I eat to sustain myself with little joy. I understand that in time I will adjust, learn to chew better and once again enjoy food. But for now I feel such a loss and I am grieving that relationship with food I once had.
My gums are healing and I am doing well with the care and rituals that go along with dentures. There really should be a 'denture-rehab' so folks can get support and direction. It is trial and error all the way. And I know of all the challenges one cold face that adjusting to dentures is not high on the tragic list. But for me, it has been overwhelming, draining and when I think of the actual event of 25+ teeth extracted all at once!! I have a bit of PTSD.
I do like how I look, a lot. And I know that being rid of all gum disease is a real health benefit. Also, knowing I will never have another drill in my moth is a big relief. Now when I go for an adjustment I hand my teeth to the dentist. Cool, huh? :-)
I am also healing from a blister that became badly infected on my foot. Horrid. I am on heavy duty anti- biotics and hot soaks and I have to stay off it as much as possible and elevate. All my energy is zapped. I had an MS flare up on the same side in my leg which is my weaker side. I am improving each day and as the infection heals my strength is coming back. I am almost back to my 'abnormal-normal'.....Needless to say this has been a rough month. I am fighting every day to be better and heal. Please send your prayers and good thoughts.
Looking forward to a nice slice of pizza and that feeling of excitement and flying high. :-)