Our zucchini plant is huge with many flowers and tiny zucchinis
Our pepper plant is thriving as well - that is the first to appear
And our strawberry plant is flowery and full of strawberries.
I thought it good to write of the natural goodness of fresh grown fruits and vegetables as a theme. We also have two tomato plants that are loaded with green tomatoes beginning to ripen. I liken gardens or in this case potted fruits and vegetables but a garden all the same - to friendships/relationships which require time and attention and weeding and caring for and light and love, some times protection. Left unattended, the garden and the friendship/relationship will die.
There are times the garden needs some extra help due to an attack or a force or plague and if we want it to thrive and be part of our life we must step up and 'do and 'be' and help it thrive. While toiling some may lose sight of the value and purpose and gifts this garden will bring because in its delicate state some think it requires more than they are able to give or so it seems - and other gardens that are thriving seem more appealing, easier to be with - so folks leave the garden that needs some time and they go to where the gardens are more stable and offers what they think they need, totally forgetting the beauty and life and years the perhaps weakened garden provided - and will again with just a little love and time. Oh the value of time.
Some times the garden thrives on its own, - but the best - is that a well attended garden gives back so much - the fruits of its vines are delicious and beautiful and life-giving. The ole "we reap what we sow applies in gardens and friendships.
Another twist on this whole garden analogy? Sometimes the garden is doing just fine and really just requires the basic care to thrive and be life-giving - and people leave it to die anyway saying they like the look and feel of the other gardens better - So sad......
But meanwhile, our garden is thriving - our love garden and our fruits and vegetables garden - and we get back way more than we give. Guaranteed. I feel kinda sorry for the people who think otherwise.