This is STILL a forum about truth and not needing to hide or run from reality/truth. With hope and faith and determination, humor, music and love and some wine people will find freedom and strength as they see how I/we are setting the stage for our "ACT THREE" . Act one and two were amazing - and here we are, our "ACT THREE". We are ready..... fighting for freedom every day from the shackles of MS
I have waited a long time for my first born to return home, and alas, she has. The candles in every window remained lit for several years as a beacon of light and hope for her return. I also know that so many of you have prayed with and for me in this hope and so I "thank you" all for your prayers.
Our gathering was filled with love, and forgiveness, and promise and tears and laughter. My Mom was so happy to see them all - she (we) finally met Damien - her great grand son. Our grandson. He is adorable. It was a tearful reunion to say the least with hugs that lasted forever.......
The first picture is our delicious meal together - we made the 'pizza-pasta-bake'. Delicious. And then there is me and my girls. Jennifer, me and Kristie. They are here until Thursday morning.
As I walked in to my Mom's home today I was taken back at how I 'saw her', it was so quiet, and stifling hot, her head was down, her chin almost on her chest, her glance when she heard me was one of sadness, blunted in affect, as if lost. I was paralyzed for a moment as the depth of her demeanor settled in to my heart and spirit - I felt heavy - scared - painfully aware. I said "Hi Mom" She looked up and appeared startled - and said "oh, you're here, I didn't know you were coming." (we had spoken that morning about my bringing lunch). I softly said, "well than it's a good surprise" - and she smiled.
and she is, still, so beautiful.
And so I shared with her, that to look down is a place of despair, to look ahead is a place of courage and to look up is a place of faith. She felt comfort tn these words - I felt I helped, in a small way, I helped. I feel and I know of her distance - she is quiet and sad - at times surrendered with moments of strength and hope. Her eyes although bright blue are shadowed and gray in hue. I feel too and most importantly the love in her heart. It surges up and out and through the shadows, travels the distance with a genuine and natural flow - I embrace it - I embrace her - with all my might.