I have shared many truths here and in doing so it seems that others, (some) have found a freedom and a strength to do the same. I wonder though, how all of you really are doing? I got to tell you that lately I sense a distance, or a lag in connection from some of my most avid followers. Yoohoo, do you see me? Have I done something to offend? Yoohoo..............Oh I know folks are busy and life demands our attention else where - there are just some folks I miss seeing - hearing from. Yoohoo.............
So I thought it was time to get back, perhaps, to the original design and purpose of this blog, "Basic truth". And the basic truth is ....I feel like folks have lost interest and therefore have slowly lessened or in some cases, ceased their visits :-( I understand.. So I guess I will just write, as i have, however it makes sense to me in keeping with the 'basic truth'..
I believe 100% that our truth denied is our life denied and to live that life of denial is an exhausting endeavor and it is never ever completed. I know that some of my truths and yours too are quite harsh. We cannot change the fabric of our designs, the experiences that are us are always part of us , good or bad it is ours to face, reconcile and honor. As October comes to a close, and some of my harsh "its" settle within - I realize how lucky I am to "know" and NOT need to hide or run from what I know. As much as the truth is tragic it is mine to behold. They blend with my celebration and victories, each with merit and purpose to be held and offered, and humbly shared.
As Winter closes in and the stillness overtakes my world I am content in my life to "be" as I am.Oh there are things I wish were quite different. I wish mobility was easier and without pain - I wish for more time with Skipp as his job has some long hours some days. I wish my Mom was not suffering. I wish my oldest daughter Kristie would find her way home. And yet I am truly blessed to have Skipp and my Mom and to be able to get around as I do. I am excited for Thanksgiving approaching and all our wonderful Holiday traditions. I love that Dolan calls me every day and that Jen is close by to be part of each other's day to day lives. We have wood for our wood stove and food in the frige and warmth in our hearts and our home. We have music and laughter and faith.........we have love, an abundance of love.....Amen