I went to buy some 'staples' today - dog food and wine. :-) The store where we buy Gracey's dog food is a grain and feed store and very "country". It is a very old wooden building with a porch and posts and places for folks to tie their horses to. (I have never seen a horse tied though). :-) There are cats inside, big fat one's lazily sprawled out on the wood floors - a couple of very old golden retrievers panting and snoozing. Shelves filled with natural grains and animal feed and hand made pet treats and all natural flea and tick sprays too. A wood stove that heats the place in the colder months. It smells musty and like old wood and dried beef treats and wet dog. Oddly, it is a nice smell. The folks who work there all wear jeans and work boots and have bandannas about their necks and heads. The guys are full bearded with skin like shoe leather and even the women are scruffy looking, weather beaten and yet bright-eyed and beautiful in a rustic kind of way. I love going there as everyone is so friendly and laid back and so 1800's - like "Little House On The Prairie" :-)
Next I headed down the road to the "Wine And Spirits Store". The woman who owns this place is fascinating. First, she is bigger than life!! I mean HUGE!! She has long thick wavy brown hair that she swoops and swirls with clips and pins, a big blotchy and beautiful face with bright blue eyes. She wears the brightest of clothes that flow and wrap in bright blends of deep magenta, jade, turquoise and sharp greens and all enhanced with a scarf and long dangly earrings and bracelets in every color and rings. Her shoes are often patent and colorful and she adds clip on flowers to the toes. When she welcomes you she bellows like a fog horn so loudly that I stop in my tracks to absorb the force of her voice while I take in the overwhelming colorful outfits covering her very large body. Her smile and laughter are immense just like her. I find myself talking loudly to be on the same level of communicating. Phew.
Two very different businesses - both on the same road just a few hundred feet apart.
I found myself reflecting on the authenticity of each establishment and it's owners and workers. They know who they are and aren't and display their unique selves proudly. I thought of myself and how I am seen, perceived and how people experience me. I pondered for a moment about my own authenticity. And I realized why I appreciate their bold authentic presence - because I am the same, Bold and authentic. No pretense. I know who I am and I am true to that self in all situations with a few exceptions. I know the exceptions and why it is so. That's for another post. :-) After all, my whole blog is dedicated to honoring my truths.
Enjoy the song - it took forever to find one that "fit"
So what about you, my blog-friends.? Are you authentic? Bold? True? Always,
some times?.................