Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Getting rid of a stain

Hello to my amazing blog friends.  I chose to delete the last post.  It felt like a stain - a stain I didn't want to see any more.  All of you who commented so lovingly, and honestly, and compassionately, I am forever grateful.  All of you truly helped me continue along my healing journey and grief process.

I still hurt but it is very manageable.  :-).  Loss is suppose to hurt and getting over a loss takes time and I am on my way.  Still, I felt the post itself was a stain - and I take that as a good sign of progress.

I spent the afternoon with my Mom today - brought her home made chicken soup and also a roasted chicken dinner for tonight with sweet potato, roasted carrots, turnip casserole and cranberry sauce - all of her favorites.  She is doing well - her new normal is less than before she went in to the hospital.  She tires quickly, moves a lot slower and requires assistance with daily tasks - but all in all?  She is doing fine.  I say this with the deepest gratitude and joy. Praise be...

Skipp and I are still savoring and enjoying our time together.  We laugh heartily every day, many times.  Glorious.  :-)

And so once again, I say "thank you" to all of you, for all my blessings and for being able to feel what I have a right to feel.  I feel love, sadness, joy, fear, blessed, doubt, passion, understood, misunderstood, and the full spectrum of emotions that life demands.

Still -it was time to get rid of the stain from my blog. and maybe in doing so it wiped some of the same from my heart.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Home again :-)

Wishes do com true - My Mom is home! Hallelujah, Amen - She fought hard to gain back strength and balance and she did - our celebration Sunday was a miracle realized - the warmth of home and family and a  simple meal shared was delightful and so filled with gratitude and love -

thank you all for your prayers
