When Adam first described Alaura's eyes as the color of blueberries I was taken back - delightfully so....and then I looked closely - and it is true - her eyes are the color of blueberries -
I can't quite figure out how to type above or below a picture. Hmmmm - well, these are all of Alaura and her opening her gifts from us. etc. Also, we went to dinner at Skipp's restaurant - and Jen and Jo'el met us there - we had a delicious meal and a really fun time. :-) That is a picture of Skipp with the two grand kids.
It has been a wonderful time for all of us - this chapter is written now - it is a good chapter filled with all good things for her to have, forever. They leave in the morning for Virginia to spend Christmas with Adam's Mom and Step Dad.
And now, some moments for us to reflect and give thanks for this gift of time with Adam and Alaura - the ability to share our home, our love, our life of peace and hope, understanding and fun. :-)
we will spend some time straightening out the house, cleaning up the bathrooms and a quick vacuum - and then have some quiet time with a glass of wine and a nice fire in our wood stove later - a simple meal and a good nights sleep. So very much to feel good about - so very much to believe in -
and please remember prayers for my Mom - as we continue on now with some more tests and medication additions and adjustments. Life has offered us so much this week - every emotion is alive.