This is STILL a forum about truth and not needing to hide or run from reality/truth. With hope and faith and determination, humor, music and love and some wine people will find freedom and strength as they see how I/we are setting the stage for our "ACT THREE" . Act one and two were amazing - and here we are, our "ACT THREE". We are ready..... fighting for freedom every day from the shackles of MS
Someone commented on my last post about blessings and how they are created and that we do not sit back passively and acquire them. I thought A lot about this since he wrote it and decided to delve.
I do believe we create blessings - or perhaps as we 'live' we see parts of our life as blessed and/or filled with blessings. So is it attitude or creation or gifts or all three? Hmmmmmmmmm.I do see many aspects of my/our life as blessed - our peaceful home, love, family, friends, food, wine, nature all around, our dog, managing our health, income, insurance, the wood stove, our 'stuff'. :-), warm clothes and running water, pooping regular, sex, and on and on - so, attitude? creation? gifts bestowed? a combination of all of those? And what of my Mom's miraculous recovery - coming back to life? Truly a blessing - and not of our creation - a true gift. :-) And my sister surviving her heart attack - another blessing given - sunrise, sunset, moon and tides, oceans and lakes, flowers and trees, the seasons, faith and hope, my daughter called, she said "I love you Mommy", blessings? Oh yes. And I only had to receive them all. Lucky me, huh? Lucky me. :-) So many blessings received. Amen.
Quite a storm here - over 20" of snow and it is still snowing - although lighter now, but started around 11:00 last night....I awoke around 3:00 and the visibility was zero when I looked out - completely white - and so quiet - like cotton fluff falling - it was beautiful. I crawled back in to bed snug and warm and smiled hard and long as I drifted off to sleep - filled with gratitude for the many blessings in my life.Gracey-Blue was content sleeping under my side of the bed - my husband was sound asleep with the blankets pulled tightly to his chin.
The above song by Joni Mitchell has a line in it about 'blankets to my chin'. Skipp sings this song so beautifully and it is one of my/our favorites to sing. He does an amazing job on guitar too. Such a talent. :-)
We are going to enjoy the day at home. I have a lasagna all made and ready to be heated later. We have a wine rack with a variety of red wines from which to choose for our Italian meal - we bought garlic knots to heat up and there is plenty of wood inside for a good fire in our wood stove to warm us - I just looked out our slider and the snow is coming down hard again - it is so beautiful since we are home - together - blessed and in love. Amen.
If only you believe as I believe. oh ya, some of the lyrics are so amazing - if you really listen to the desire, passion, love, and glory of it all.
Before you read any further -
**********WARNING******* the following is sexual in nature. Do NOT read on if you are uncomfortable or find such offensive. You have been warned and given opportunity to leave.
This song always arouses me. I love the intention and desire and passion. I am thankful to say that I still feel such. It isn't something any of us really write or talk about - but the fact of the matter is we are ALL sexual beings - and I celebrate that part of me with great intention and creativity and yet simple, loving, respectful, satisfying outcomes. Amen. :-)
So often I read about violence, and abuse but never the beauty of physical intimacy. The other day I commented on another blog about how I/we were awoken early due to an emergency at Skipp's work - he went off to secure the building while I went outside with Gracey at around 5:00 a.m. (yawn)..... I actually enjoyed the icy mist and my time outside whilst the world was still shadowed and so still. About 6:00 Gracey had enough romping and I found my way back to bed - such good timing because Skipp pulled down the drive about the same time. I slipped under the blankets and quilts and nestled in to the softness. Skipp joined me..........I felt myself surrounded by the warmth of the blankets and our love. I felt his touch and I relaxed in to his magic. The swirl within my flower was wondrous and I relaxed even more to join in his rhythm. I felt myself build and intensify oh so softly and gently - I felt the petals of myself unfold and surrender and become vulnerable - it was a sweet surrender that left me breathless. In time the waves came over me and I rode each one with joy - the sleep that followed was heavenly.
And so that is what I meant when I wrote about a heavenly sleep. I didn't write about such on your blog - but ever since I have been drawn back to the experience and the pure joy and love I left out in my comment.
I trust that those of you who chose to read on respect the love and honor in this writing. It was glorious. Take time to listen to the song - some of the lyrics are so honest and intimate. Here's to comfort in sexuality as an expression of love. One expression of many, I might add. :-)
2011!! I have been wrestling with what to change, do better, plan for, reach some goal, and so forth. It came to me today that I don't really need to wrestle with anything - my hope is that we maintain our status on many levels - on the home front? life is loving, peaceful, bountiful, with many blessings. We live within our means and share our bounty. The challenges we faced were many and we fought for good outcomes. Perhaps the balance of so many blessings gave us the strength we needed. I had some setbacks with the MS and did what I had to do to strengthen and keep moving. The fall we took in August was life-changing. We are stronger now.
So for 2011 I hope to continue managing, living, - no big goals or expectations beyond celebrating our freedoms and blessings we are so fortunate to have. I have learned to adjust - accept - and shine the serenity prayer to what life hands us.
I hope all your dreams for 2011 are realized - and that you are free to explore each one. Sometimes, not always, but sometimes, we have to adjust our dreams to fit our realities. May all your adjustments be minor. :-)